
Our Privacy Policy explains how the Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates, including Healthcare Community Securities Corp,[1] (collectively referred to as “HANYS®”) collect and use information from and about you when you use the Website (as defined in HANYS’ Website Terms of Use). This policy explains more about how we use cookies.

We use cookies and technologies such as pixel tags, web beacons and other identifiers on the Website to (a) make sure the Website functions as it should; (b) recognize you when you return to the website (so you do not have to re-enter login details on subsequent visits); (c) analyze how the Website is performing and how visitors engage in the Website; (d) present you with customized options relating to your interests based on what you have clicked on when visiting the Website; and (e) place advertisements to you when you visit other websites.

These cookies are split into different categories:

  • Necessary – These cookies are necessary to make the Website function and to enable the services you have requested.
  • Functionality – These cookies save your preferences and choices to improve your browsing experience.
  • Performance – These cookies collect information about your use of our Website to enable us to improve user experience.
  • Advertising – These cookies are used to manage and deliver web advertising to you.

Most of these cookies are placed on your web browser by our Website (known as “first party cookies”). Some cookies are placed by a third party such as an advertising provider that we have authorized (known as "third party cookies").

HANYS uses Google Analytics, a web analytic service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google Analytics”) and Hotjar, a web analytic service provided by Hotjar Limited (“Hotjar”). These services help us track traffic on the Website to include which pages were accessed and how often, for which period of time a page was viewed and what links were clicked. This information helps us improve Website functionality by understanding how our visitors engage with the Website.

You can view what Google Analytics collects and its data privacy and security policies at You can opt out of Google Analytics at (or such other sites Google may provide).

You can view what Hotjar collects, and its data privacy policy at You can opt out of Hotjar here (or such other sites Hotjar may provide).

If you do not want third parties to collect information about you through the use of cookies, you have the option to opt out of them.

If you do not want your information used for the purpose of serving you targeted ads, you have the option to opt out of them.

If you do not want HANYS to collect information about you through the use of cookies, you have the option to delete or disable cookies. If you choose to delete or disable HANYS use of cookies, then the functionality of the Website will be impaired.

Most web browsers (Safari, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, etc.) now recognize when a cookie is offered and allow you to opt out of receiving it. You can also delete all cookies that are already on your browser.

HANYS reserves the right at any time to change the Cookie Policy for any reason, and any change will be effective immediately upon posting the updated version of the Cookie Policy on the Website. You agree to review the Cookie Policy periodically to be aware of such changes. Your continued access or use of the Website shall be deemed your conclusive acceptance of the Cookie Policy, as modified.

Effective December 2020  |  For informational purposes only

1 HCSC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Group Insurance Agency, Inc. (“GIA”), which itself is a wholly owned subsidiary of HANYS.